Wednesday, April 15, 2015

April 15

I haven't been overly thrilled with this one as there hasn't been much push following the 6.00 breakout.  I thought I would sell this for a small gain and raise cash rather than wait around. I think this could be a decent entry but needs a sell off first or some more sideways action.

Entry: 6.25-.28
Exit: 6.34

I kept hoping this would find some traction as it is on a nice monthly breakout its like a drip.   At some point you just have to call it and my stop was hit.  I'd look for a bounce at the 10Week but thats still quite a bit lower.  I tried to dip buy but on small shares and this was more like a drip so let's call it a day.

Enter: 3.57
Exit: 3.10

NDRM pulled back today but a 6 week, b/o has still held.  I decided to wade in on this pull back although it is not my traditional breakout buy, I waded in @ 14.75.
NDRM is presenting a paper at a national conference and since the PR talked about initial positive results, its a fair assumption that the results will be positive.  From a chart perspective I like how the Weekly 4 has held the closings and the weekly 10  has held the lows.  This stock is also a low float and has shown that it what it is capable of in December.

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